Anne Gabarre
Home / Zoom & Fern Clinic
Mobile: 07805 016819
Address: Fern Clinic
The Stables, 213 Ashley Road Hale WA15 9TB
I'm Anne Gabarre qualified Homeopath with over 20 years experience.
Practicing a natural therapy enables me to support women through all stages of their life including the wonderful leap into motherhood. Homeopathy uses natural remedies to help when needed in pregnancy - it has helped many women with ailments ranging from nausea to insomnia, from stretch marks to tiredness.
It is wonderful for both mother and baby in the recovery from the effort of childbirth.
If couples want to use Homeopathy during Labour I offer a 'couple class' to ensure that the birth partner is able to support the birth as efficiently as possible.
I offer consultations on the phone and in person from Fern Clinic in Hale. To contact me for bookings or enquiries, Use my website Anne Gabarre Homeopathy or email me at - I'm offering 20% off the first consultation to clients who quote the PBY organistaion when booking.
I love to empower parents and families with the gift of knowing about natural remedies - I am a trainer for the North West College of Homeopathy.
My next workshops are in May and June:
Intro to Nature Remedies for Babies & Children's Wellness on Zoom Thursday 16th May 8-9.15pm cohosted with postnatal comfort specialist Maryline Higham - a Zoom event to know all about how this natural medicine can support little ones through teething pain, bumps & bruises and more - bookings opening soon
Discover Homeopathy on Sunday 9th June 10-3pm
A one-day course to introduce you to homeopathy and guide you in how to start using homeopathic remedies safely and effectively as a family. I teach from Belmont House in Stockport SK4 1TG
Looking forward to meeting you soon perhaps!